Bring Global Citizenship into your classroom with Level Up Village’s

Global Citizen Series

A collaborative learning experience to explore the impact of climate change, gender inequality, and politics and social media with classrooms in other countries.

What is the Global Citizen Series?

Level Up Village’s Global Citizen Series consists of three separate 4-week courses where your students will have the opportunity to engage in a discussion around major global issues with peers around the world. Using our secure platform, they exchange video messages to get to know their global partners and then work on activities that target global challenges. 

Choose the course that is right for your classroom!

Global Citizen Series Courses

Global Citizen Series

Global Citizen Series: Climate Change

Ages 12-18

Students in two different countries meet virtually and learn about each other’s culture and community through secure, asynchronous video exchanges. They research the impact of climate change on their environment and community, report their findings, and describe plans for action to their peers. Students respond to each other’s reports and reflect on their overall experience of doing the exchange.
Students from different countries

Global Citizen Series: Gender Equality

Ages 12-18

Students in two different countries meet virtually and learn about each other’s culture and community through secure, asynchronous video exchanges. They research issues related to gender inequality in their community and country, think critically about their impact, and then plan and produce a Public Service Announcement for their global partners. Students respond to each other’s PSAs and reflect on their overall experience of doing the exchange.
Teens in circle holding smart mobile phones - Multicultural young people using cellphones outside - Teenagers addicted to new technology concept

Global Citizen Series: Politics and Social Media

Ages 12-18

Students in two different countries meet virtually and learn about each other’s culture and community through secure, asynchronous video exchanges. They research the impact of social media on politics in their community and country, define the issues, and then plan and produce a Public Service Announcement for their global partners. Students respond to each other’s PSAs and reflect on their overall experience of doing the exchange.

How will students benefit?

Make a personal connection with peers through sharing about culture including favorite activities, food, sports, and school subjects.

Apply STEM, human geography, and social studies learning to a real-world environment. They research and present issues from their own community, and then react to the research of their partner group.

Practice communication skills as they exchange ideas with their global partners through asynchronous videos.

Focus on being solution finders and taking action to implement change in the world.

Experience enhanced social-emotional learning and gain global awareness through comparing their local challenges with the challenges faced by their peers.


$600 per course per class (up to 30 students)

Included: Partnership with a class in another country, use of Level Up Village’s secure platform, onboarding sessions, Teacher’s Guide, Student Workbook, Teacher Resources website, and technical support.

Quick Contact


Level Up Village
580 White Plains Road, Suite 660 Tarrytown, NY, 10591, USA

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